Monday, May 25, 2015




Tres leches chocolate for my birthday! SO GOOD YALL

Monday, May 18, 2015


AHHHHH so this week was hard, for lots of reasons!

Today we have cambios! I am going to stay in my sector and my new companion will be Hermana Hoskins who is from Utah! What is happening is right now in our ward there are 6 missionaries - 2 elders, Me and my comp, and Hermana Borja and Hermana Hoskins. My companion and Hermana Borja have cambios and Hermana Hoskins and I will be comps here in Tullumayo. They are closing the sector of the other Hermanas, Tullumayo 3, so now there are only going to be 4 missionaries in our ward. It is much better because now we actually have work to do and people to visit!

This week was hard. Our family who was set to be baptized this month is now going to be baptized next month to make sure they are really prepared to make sacred covenants with the Lord. This week I learned a hard lesson that the Lord really has His timing and His way in ALL things! We were pushing for this baptism and wanted to believe that really this family was prepared. But the Spirit kept telling us that they arent. It is a hard things when you want something to happen but the Lord has other plans. He has His will always and we are subject to that either with faith or failing as my mission president has said. My testimony was strengthened a lot in the Book of Mormon. It is so key. It contains the truthfulness of everything! If we are not reading the Book of Mormon we wont really come to develop a testimony in this Gospel and in our Savior Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for every moment that I have to testify of my Savior, the Book of Mormon, and this Gospel. Everyday I learn something new and feel the love of my Heavenly Father so much.

In other news, I taught an investigator couple how to play GO FISH yesterday! Super American and they loved it! Haha it is the best to teach the people here little American things.

TODAY I AM A REAL MISSIONARY! I am done with my training and starting my first cambio on my own more or less! My mom is being transferred to an area called Sicuani which isnt too far from Cusco - it is North I believe. I am excited to be staying in my area for a little bit more time because I know I have a lot more work to do here.

I love you all! Remember to confide in your Heavenly Father in all things. Have faith in our Savior Jesus Christ - he is the way, the only way! 

Hermana Miceli

Monday, May 4, 2015


WOW. This week was so good and crazy and full of surprises! I cant believe that already another week has passed and I am writing another email. 4 MONTHS AS A MISSIONARY WWAAAAHT.

On Tuesday we had Multi Zona confernce with our mission President and all of the missionaries here in the different areas in Cusco! It was awesome. We talked a lot about the Doctrine of Christ and specifically repentance and why true repentance is essential in the conversion of any person. Wow, our president is seriously an incredible, spiritually sound man. His wife Hermana Harbertson also spoke to us about our homes, and how we have the responsibility to make our homes a place similar to the temple and a place where the Holy Ghost can always feel comfortable to reside. She shared a quote by Elder D. Todd Christofferson that I really liked: "We go to the temple to make convenants with the Lord, and we return home to keep them." Always remember that the home is the first place where we learn anything in this life. If our homes are in tune with the Spirit of the Lord we will live happier, longer, and with more ETERNAL JOY. :)

On Wednesday we had divisions another time with our Hermana Leaders. It is one time cada cambio (every six weeks) and this time it was my turn to lead my sector! I was with Hermana Vitola from Colombia - She is the best! So humble and silly. It was probably the worst day I have had so far her as far as the work. Haha, perfect timing. We couldnt find anyone all day and were walking and walking and walking. But I learned a lot about faith! That even the slightest amount of faith can work miracles in our lives. And not just faith in cualquier cosa, but faith in our Savior Jesus Christ to lead and guide us in the things that He wants us to do in this life. It was a hard day but good! Plus good practice since in 2 weeks I will be on my own here in my sector with a new companion!

This weekend was LOCO. Yesterday was Dia de la Cruz here... Most simply it was dia de los borrachos (drunks), dia de los perros con pulgas, dia de fiestas en la calle, and dia de NOBODY IS HOME!!! Haha it was rough, but we made it through. My sector is just un poquito peligroso - dont worry mom and dad, I have a personal alarm and a rock in my hand at all times!

This week I learned a lot! Every day is a different adventure and so hard. But somehow it is always worth it. Since I wont email before Sunday, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of the amazing women in my life. :) You have all shaped me into who I am today and I love each of you more than I can put into words.

Ciao until next week!
Hermana Miceli

Oh ps. The 18th of this month someone from the PRIMER PRESIDENCY is coming to visit us here in Cusco!!! WHAT. Stay tuned for updates.

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