Monday, April 18, 2016

Whats your will

I am lazy and this week wasnt too eventful so this will be short. I cannot believe I only have 2 cambios left as a missionary. It really is incredible how fast the time flies. I feel like Ive only lived in peru for a few months! I am staying here in Puno with Hermana Bazo. I am super happy to still be with her, but it is hard being in Puno still. There is something the Lord still needs me to learn so I will keep working until He sends me somewhere else!

This week we went to Cusco for concilio and it was great. I got to visit my sector in Cusco and see people I havent seen for almost a year! It was super special. We visited Hermana Izayda and she cried of joy and then visited Hermana Pilar who just stared at me as if I was a ghost. It was the best also because they actually remembered my name! It was super cool. Plus we ran into a super cute american family of members that treated us to ice cream. THEY WERE THE BEST.

Gaby came to church on Sunday!!! She told us she wasnt going to be able to so when she did I almost cried out of joy! She is Katias sister that we have been teaching for a few weeks now. Shes so cute. I love them.

Other than that the week was slow. We are still struggling to find new people to teach and to have people progressing. But I know that the Lord still loves me! He loves the people here and I need to learn to be more like Him. The ward is progressing a lot and the bishop is supporting us more and more so I am really grateful for that. Some great things are going to happen in this change, I just know it!

Love you all!

Hermana Miceli

Pic 1 - Heres the before shot... PIZZA.
Pic 2 - And the after.... Im on a roll with getting food poisoning right before important conferences!!! The zone leaders are the best.
Pic 3 - Hermana Pilar from Cusco! Shes still not baptized, but shes getting there!

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